Practice catchment area
Click this link to check if you are within our catchment area to register at our practice.
How to register
We have an open list and welcome requests for registration from patients living in or moving to the practice area. Our practice area currently covers the villages of Treeton and Catcliffe.
Our practice leaflet and further sharing information can be view/downloaded from the following link: Please click here to read our Practice Leaflet
You can register to join our surgery online now on the NHS website:
Register as a new patient by following this link
You can also register by completing both:
- a GMS1 Registration &
- an additional REGISTRATION Form
These forms are available from reception or printing from the links supplied (please complete all pages on both links). Please bring photo ID (if available) with you and proof of address, this is to verify you live within our catchment area and to ensure correct patient matching on the national spine service.
At this time you will be asked to make an appointment with our Health Care assistant. This involves taking details of your family history, lifestyle, smoking data etc. Having this information when you apply to register helps us provide you with a better service should you need to be seen by a doctor or nurse soon after registration.